Steps To Creating An Efficient Emergency Management Plan

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First Aid Training Center where People are taught about the Steps To Creating An Efficient Emergency Management Plan
First Aid Training Center where People are taught about the Steps To Creating An Efficient Emergency Management Plan

The first step in the creation of an efficient and effective emergency management plan involves the authorization of a council to get the job done. Once permitted, the council will be able to engage in the following activities:

–          Form a committee to oversee the implementation of the whole plan

–          Choose the coordinator of the emergency plan

–          Oversee the allocation of finances to manage any emergencies that may arise.

ii)                   Once the authorization has been provided, the next step is to set up the council’s committee. This is crucial because it plays a fundamental role in making sure that the plan is executed effectively. It is imperative to have at least two members of the council sit in the committee for cohesiveness purposes. The role of the committee is to ensure that the plan is updated on a regular basis as well as to oversee the appointment of qualified persons for the tasks at hand. Remember that an effective emergency management plan is just as good as the people who implement it.

iii)                 The third stage in the creation of an emergency plan entails the appointment of the emergency management coordinator. Typically, such an individual will be required to be an employee of a relevant organization.

What are some of the roles of the emergency plan coordinator?

–          Providing advice to the council as pertains to regular updates of the plan

–          Making sure that there is seamless coordination in the event of a disaster

–          Ensure that the emergency plan and response goes on successfully without any hitches

–          The coordinator will also be in charge of providing directions for the numerous operations to be carried out.

In addition to the coordinator, there are also other individuals who make up the committee, and they include:

–          Representatives from the following sectors: Labor and Employment, HR, Fire department, Telecommunication, Public works as well as the Regional Health Authority. The Police and any other organization that the committee would love to call on in order to be able to carry out the emergency management plan precisely.

iv)                 Liaise with other emergency services in the region so as to ensure that one provides quality services to the community at large.

v)                  Carry out an evaluation of the potential risks and hazard in the area of interest. This means analyzing the threats that are both natural (think about floods, tornadoes, droughts…) as well as those that are manmade (terror groups, fires as well as insecurity just to name a few). The first step in doing this is compiling a list of all the hazards before proceeding to establish the most ideal solutions for each of the listed problems.

vi)                 Ensure that the tasks at hand in executing an emergency management plan are assigned to qualified personnel.

vii)               Establish whether the resources available will suffice for the tasks at hand. Is there a possibility that the team can respond to multiple emergencies simultaneously? Establishing this will mean creating an accurate and detailed plan of the course of action. The information is then consolidated for reference purposes.

viii)              Lastly, the emergency management plan is reviewed to determine progress and establish any alterations to be made.

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