Treatment for Nicotine Dependence

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Nicotine dependence is a condition associated with the addiction to products made of tobacco due to the nicotine drug. Nicotine dependence is therefore also called tobacco dependence. Drug dependence simply means that you cannot stop using the drug or substance despite the harm it is causing to you and your health. Tobacco use is mainly addictive due to the drug nicotine; however the other substances in tobacco make it harmful. Studies show that smokers are much more likely to suffer from heart disease, lung disease, cancer and stroke than nonsmokers.

Nicotine stimulates physical and emotional changes in the brain that may be pleasing for a short period of time. These effects makes the person more dependent on the drug, thus, making him want more. Moreover, cessation of tobacco use may result in withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety and irritability.

There are many treatment options to manage withdrawal symptoms to help you quit smoking once and for all. Consult your doctor if you need help.

Here is a YouTube video clip about Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Residential Treatment Program: Deborah’s Experience that will help you understand further about nicotine dependence and treatment.

Signs and symptoms

The following are signs that may indicate that you are addicted:

  • You cannot stop or stop yourself from smoking
  • You continue smoking despite being aware and/or experiencing the health problems
  • You suffer from withdrawal symptoms during your attempts to stop smoking
  • You are willing to give up recreational activities and your social life in order to smoke

When to seek medical help

If you have tried to quit smoking but have not been capable of stopping it for good, then you are not alone. What many people fail to understand that it takes several attempts to stop smoking before you can become stable to achieve success in the long run. Moreover, many people give in due to withdrawal symptoms which can be easily prevented with medication – if you are trying to stop making, make sure you see a doctor so that you can receive professional help on this matter.

You are more likely to succeed if you follow a proper treatment plan, preferably designed by your doctor that would deal with both your physical and behavioral factors associated with nicotine dependence. If you take proper medication and work with a quit-smoking counselor, you are most likely to succeed in achieving your goal.

Make sure you consult your doctor and talk about what treatment plan suits you best.

It is true that quitting smoking is one of the most possible ways to prevent death. You will improve you health almost instantly after you have stopped smoking. Your heart rate goes down just 20 minutes after smoking your last cigarette. After twelve hours, the carbon monoxide and other toxic gas levels will come back to normal. Your circulation will improve and your lungs will function better in just three months. Within a year, your chances of getting a heart attack reduce by half. After 15 years, your chances of having a stroke will be the same as that of a nonsmoker.

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