Automated External Defibrillator (AED), What You Need To Know

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With the increase in heart diseases across the world, it has become important for individuals to get as much information as possible about heart conditions and how to best manage them. While these conditions are complicated, knowing what to do in the event of such an emergency could be the difference between life and death. This is where Automated External Defibrillator (AED) comes in handy. These are devices that work to restart the heart and ensure it continues to function. This article furnishes you with information that you will find relevant. Here is what you need to be aware of:

How does the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) function?

This is a tiny medical device within which there are computerized systems that carry out an analysis of an individual’s heart beats. The device is designed to work in such a way that it is able to identify irregular heart rhythms that require immediate medical attention. Within the program of the AED, there are instructions that are easy to follow, and this is in addition to voice speech that is automated to provide steps for one to follow through. These devices are typically used in setups outside the hospital where they are more apt. the device will create a shock known as a defibrillation. This shock is required to restart the heart, and is controlled so it is safe for the patient. So effective is this gadget that it can be used to alter the course of a heart attack, thus saving lives.

When does one need to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)?

Heart attacks occur anywhere with no warning. During such an attack, the beating of the heart becomes irregular, a phenomenon that is known as Ventricular fibrillation. If this is not controlled, the patient is likely to die. The solution to this is a shock system that restores the regular rhythm of the heart. The individual handling the AED must have knowledge of symptoms that precede sudden heart attack. Below are some of the signs to watch out for:

–          An individual who suddenly does not respond to external stimuli

–          An individual who suddenly stops breathing, and does not resume breathing even when you tilt their head.

–          An individual who is unable to respond when you tap them gently

–          Does not respond when you talk to them

This point is very critical, and every second counts so it is crucial to act fast.

The availability of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is not as common as it should be, but continual effort is been channeled in this direction. Matter of fact, every medical emergency vehicle ought to be well equipped with AEDs. Since it may be hard to pinpoint the location of an AED during an emergency, it is imperative to have the devices clearly labeled especially at different public places and worksites. The Red Cross organization provides training and certification for individuals and organizations which are interested in the proper use of the Automated External Defibrillator (AEDs).

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