Importance of Emergency First Aid Courses in Canada for Asphyxia

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Unknown to many, asphyxia can either be a complication which may result to the death of the afflicted person or the main cause of death. However through emergency first aid courses, the lives of patients who are suffering from asphyxia can be saved. Here are some of the ways that asphyxia can cause death.

The Role of Asphyxia in Avalanche-related Deaths

Emergency First Aid Courses in Victoria
Emergency First Aid Courses in Victoria

In a study that was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, it was revealed that asphyxia was the most common cause of death for individuals who died due to an avalanche. Despite the presence of many Canadian warning systems which aim to direct people away from places that are most likely to experience an avalanche such as the Public Avalanche Bulletin, the numbers of people who die due to avalanche accidents are still relatively high. From 11, the rate of avalanche deaths rose to 14 people per year in 2007. Considering that the number of locals and non-residents who participate in winter recreational activities are rising, the number of fatalities due to avalanche accidents is expected to rise as well.

The Role of Asphyxia in Suicide

According to Statistics Canada, hanging was the most common form of suicide in the country in 2009. It was the method that was used by 44% of suicide victims. However, this number varies by age. Hanging is the most popular method for those who are between the ages of 15-39 as it is responsible for 55% of the total suicide fatalities in this particular age group. Suicide fatalities related to hanging for those who are 60 years old and above on the other hand are only equivalent to 30%. It was also revealed that this method is more preferred by men than women as poisoning was the most common method for women.

The Role of Asphyxia in Neonatal Death

Even though the leading cause of neonatal death is immaturity or premature birth, asphyxia is not far behind. In 2005, it was the cause of death for the 10% of the total number of neonatal deaths for that particular year.

By taking first aid courses, neonatal asphyxia can be prevented by being aware of the signs and symptoms of fetal distress which would indicate a health or breathing problem for the child. This would allow parents to go to the hospital before the condition gets worse. First aid can also help save the lives of people who tried to commit suicide and are inches away from death. It can also be used during emergency situations such as avalanches to administer care to afflicted individuals.

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