What is Needed To Work In An Emergency Medical Services

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Attending CPR classes

When faced with any medical emergency either at home, school or in the workplace, the first thing that comes into the mind of many people is to dial 911. The people called to come to offer the assistance are the emergency medical services. Mostly they offer transport services to patients who cannot drive themselves to medical facilities and also have the knowledge and skills to treat people who need immediate attention. They arrive at the scene where the emergency has occurred and try to give first aid at the same place and then take the victim or victims to the right hospital or any other health care facilities they find appropriate. All the personnel working in different services have at least basic standard first aid certification.

Qualifications of emergency medical services

There are many different qualification levels including the emergency medical responders and emergency medical technicians. The EMR’s mostly consist of volunteers who share their knowledge and time to offer such services. They have the basic first aid kits, skills and knowledge on how to conduct first aid for different medical emergencies. Some of the major skills they posses include, how to use AED and conduct CPR to both adults and children. The technicians or the EMT’s have certification to provide services at a state level care. They are usually identified depending on their skills and certification for instance intermediate, basic or advanced/paramedic.

Uniforms worn by the EMS

In order to offer their services, emergency medical services must wear specific types of gears and uniforms depending on their department. In most times, you will see them either wear class A or B type of uniform shirts, chest pockets and military creases. They wear pants that have several pockets to hold all the necessary gear. They will carry other items such as flashlights, notepads, pens, gloves and stethoscopes. They are also required to wear metal name badge and EMS logo that help identify their position.

If you are beginning to work for emergency medical services, there are a wide range of both offline and online shops in Canada where you can buy the gear. Having the gears will make you be efficient and effective as you provide the services. The most important thing is to ensure that you get proper first aid training in different areas so that you can provide a wide range of medical assistance to victims suffering from different medical emergencies.

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