Free first aid training

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Free first aid training is a privilege for everyone

This is a free first aid training for any individual who wants  to know how to treat bleeding, shock, and other problems as needed. When you witness this problem from a victim who has a pulse when  breathing, then next you should control any bleeding. Mostly the victims who suffer
on trauma, you should take steps to control or prevent shock. This article gives you detailed and instructions on how to control a particular problem.

Stopping Bleeding  – Control of bleeding is one of the most important things you can  save a trauma victim’s life through this simple application. We usually put direct pressure on the wound before trying a different method of managing bleeding. You must attend to the victim with  protective gloves to avoid infection of diseases. In most cases, uncontrolled or severe bleeding can contribute to shock, and some circulatory disruption, or more serious health consequences such as damage to tissues and major organs, which can lead to death.
How to Treat Shock victim – Shock is caused by clotting blood or a loss of blood flow to the body, frequently follows physical and occasionally may be caused by psychological trauma. A patient in shock will often  have clammy skin, be restless or even have an altered mental status, and also a pale color to the skin around the face and lips. This can be prevented through seeking medical attention once the victim notice these signs. –
Choking first aid- Choking can cause death or permanent brain damage within minutes and is being caused by a foreign object that gets stuck in the throat and restricts airflow. You can let the victim cough or use back flow to remove the obstruction himself.
A Burn first aid –Do not use butter, creams or other ointments, and also you should not pop blisters. 3rd degree burns need to be covered with a wet damp piece of cloth. Remove jewelry and clothing from the burn, it is also advisable not to remove burnt clothing which is stuck to burns. Treat first and second degree burns by immersing or flushing with cool water and never use ice.
Concussion first aid– When a victim suffers a blow on his head, try to look for signs of concussion. Common symptoms are of loss of consciousness following the injury, disorientation or memory impairment, vertigo, nausea, and lethargy. While most concussion is a temporary disturbance that doesn’t leave lasting damage and the best rule is to call for medical assistance if you have any doubts.
How you can Treat a Spinal Injury Patient – When you suspect a spinal Free first aid traininginjury, it is important that you   don’t move the victim’s head, neck or back unless they are in immediate danger. You must also need to take special care when performing rescue breathing or CPR.
Electric shock– You should never touch someone that is being shocked by  electricity. You should first switch off the power or even use some non-conductive materials such as, wood, dry clothing or dry rope to separate him or her from the power source. These are the most first aid skills you should know in the household.

Knowledge is power,  therefore, create time out of your busy schedule and enroll for the First Aid Courses which will benefit you and the entire family members.


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