When to take a child to the emergency room?

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Manage the problem at home

  • Many injuries and disorders, including incisions, outbreaks, coughs, scrapes, colds and contusions can be dealt with at home or with over-the-counter medications.

Phone your doctor


  • If uncertain of the level of medical assistance your child requires, your doctor can choose what first aid steps to take.

Visit a medical care center

  • A medical care center is suitable for non-emergencies when your doctor might not be around.
  • At these centers, you can generally get things like stitches and care for slight wounds that aren’t severe yet still need medical assistance.

Visit the emergency room for assistance

  • An emergency room — also known as an emergency department — can manage a wide range of severe complications, such as serious loss of blood, trauma to the head, convulsions, meningitis, breathing problems, dehydration, and severe microscopic infections.

Phone an ambulance for assistance

  • Some conditions are so severe that you need the assistance of a qualified medical practitioner while traveling to the hospital.
  • Some of these conditions include a serious car accident, has sustained a neck, spine or head injury, has swallowed too much pills, or has stopped breathing. In these cases, phone for an ambulance straight away.
  • As the mother and father, it can be difficult to make these decisions. You don’t want to hurry to the emergency room if it isn’t actually isn’t a crisis and can be postponed until you see the family doctor.
  • Also, you don’t want to wait to get medical assistance if your kid requires first aid straight away.
  • As your children mature, you’ll learn to know when it’s a medical emergency.

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